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Keon Hill is a transformative Christian Millennial leader dedicated to helping people discover God through inspiration, authenticity, and vulnerability, inspiring individuals to live purposefully and keep faith at the forefront.

How to Handle a Hard Season

Faith Journey

This may not be for everybody, but I want to speak to the person who is in the middle of a storm. The person who feels like they can’t catch a break. That spiritually, physically, emotionally and even financially they’ve been experiencing attack after attack and disappointment after disappointment. You may have even woke up some mornings ready to just throw in the towel, “I can’t do this anymore.”

I know who you are because I’ve been there but for the first time, I can honestly say that even in the middle of my storm I’ve found peace. I want to share with you 3 things that have helped me find peace and joy even in the middle of the storm.

  1. Praise in the middle of it. Our praise shows God that our faith is bigger than our fear.That we are standing in expectation and believing him to do the impossible.
  2. Pray in the middle of it. This is the time that we should be seeking God like never before.Often times He allows storms to come our way so that we can draw closer to him.
  3. Prepare in the middle of it. The breakthrough and overflow can come at any moment but will you be able to sustain it once it comes? Do everything you can to increase your discipline and healthy habits that will allow you to enlarge and enjoy whatever God brings you in your overflow season.

I truly believe that God is going to release some breakthroughs and miracles before the end of this year. But it’s important for us to be reminded that in the middle of the storm that God is still with us and He has the final say. Be encouraged and know that whatever we are experiencing is for our good! Even if we can’t understand right now, it will make sense one day.

"(18) Yet what we suffer now is nothing compared to the glory he will reveal to us later. (28) And we know that God causes everything to work together for the good of those who love God and are called according to his purpose for them." - Romans 8:18 & 28
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